குறள் மணிமாலை



Thirukkural of Thiruvalluvar, English Translation and Commentary by Rev.Dr.G.U.Pope, Rev.W.H.Drew, Rev.John Lazarus and Mr.F.W.Ellis


5. Royalty

47 : Acting after due Consideration

Poem : 461

Expenditure, return, and profit of the deed
In time to come; weigh these- than to the act proceed.

Explanation :
Let a man reflect on what will be lost, what will be acquired and (from these) what will be his ultimate gain, and (then, let him) act.

Poem : 462

With chosen friends deliberate; next use the private thought;
Then act. By those who thus proceed all works with ease are wrought.

Explanation :
There is nothing too difficult to (be attained by) those who, before they act, reflect well themselves, and thoroughly consider (the matter) with chosen friends.

Poem : 463

To risk one's all and lose, aiming at added gain,
Is rash affair, from which the wise abstain.

Explanation :
Wise men will not, in the hopes of profit, undertake works that will consume their principal.

Poem : 464

A work of which the issue is not clear,
Begin not they reproachful scorn who fear.

Explanation :
Those who fear reproach will not commence anything which has not been (thoroughly considered) and made clear to them.

Poem : 465

With plans not well matured to rise against your foe,
Is way to plant him out where he is sure to grow!

Explanation :
One way to promote the prosperity of an enemy, is (for a king) to set out (to war) without having thoroughly weighed his ability (to cope with its chances).

Poem : 466

'Tis ruin if man do an unbefitting thing;
Fit things to leave undone will equal ruin bring.

Explanation :
He will perish who does not what is not fit to do; and he also will perish who does not do what it is fit to do.

Poem : 467

Think, and then dare the deed! Who cry,
'Deed dared, we'll think,' disgraced shall be.

Explanation :
Consider, and then undertake a matter; after having undertaken it, to say "We will consider," is folly.

Poem : 468

On no right system if man toil and strive,
Though many men assist, no work can thrive.

Explanation :
The work, which is not done by suitable methods, will fail though many stand to uphold it.

Poem : 469

Though well the work be done, yet one mistake is made,
To habitudes of various men when no regard is paid.

Explanation :
There are failures even in acting well, when it is done without knowing the various dispositions of men.

Poem : 470

Plan and perform no work that others may despise;
What misbeseems a king the world will not approve as wise.

Explanation :
Let a man reflect, and do things which bring no reproach; the world will not approve, with him, of things which do not become of his position to adopt.

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