குறள் மணிமாலை



Thirukkural of Thiruvalluvar, English Translation and Commentary by Rev.Dr.G.U.Pope, Rev.W.H.Drew, Rev.John Lazarus and Mr.F.W.Ellis


8. Miscellaneous

101 : Wealth without Benefaction

Poem : 1001

Who fills his house with ample store, enjoying none,
Is dead. Nought with the useless heap is done.

Explanation :
He who does not enjoy the immense riches he has heaped up in his house, is (to be reckoned as) dead, (for) there is nothing achieved (by him).

Poem : 1002

Who giving nought, opines from wealth all blessing springs,
Degraded birth that doting miser's folly brings.

Explanation :
He who knows that wealth yields every pleasure and yet is so blind as to lead miserly life will be born a demon.

Poem : 1003

Who lust to heap up wealth, but glory hold not dear,
It burthens earth when on the stage of being they appear.

Explanation :
A burden to the earth are men bent on the acquisition of riches and not (true) fame.

Poem : 1004

Whom no one loves, when he shall pass away,
What doth he look to leave behind, I pray?

Explanation :
What will the miser who is not liked (by any one) regard as his own (in the world to come) ?

Poem : 1005

Amid accumulated millions they are poor,
Who nothing give and nought enjoy of all they store.

Explanation :
Those who neither give (to others) nor enjoy (their property) are (truly) destitute, though possessing immense riches.

Poem : 1006

Their ample wealth is misery to men of churlish heart,
Who nought themselves enjoy, and nought to worthy men impart.

Explanation :
He who enjoys not (his riches) nor relieves the wants of the worthy is a disease to his wealth.

Poem : 1007

Like woman fair in lonelihood who aged grows,
Is wealth of him on needy men who nought bestows.

Explanation :
The wealth of him who never bestows anything on the destitute is like a woman of beauty growing old without a husband.

Poem : 1008

When he whom no man loves exults in great prosperity,
'Tis as when fruits in midmost of the town some poisonous tree.

Explanation :
The wealth of him who is disliked (by all) is like the fruit-bearing of the etty tree in the midst of a town.

Poem : 1009

Who love abandon, self-afflict, and virtue's way forsake
To heap up glittering wealth, their hoards shall others take.

Explanation :
Strangers will inherit the riches that have been acquired without regard for friendship, comfort and charity.

Poem : 1010

'Tis as when rain cloud in the heaven grows day,
When generous wealthy man endures brief poverty.

Explanation :
The short-lived poverty of those who are noble and rich is like the clouds becoming poor (for a while).

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