குறள் மணிமாலை



Thirukkural of Thiruvalluvar, English Translation and Commentary by Rev.Dr.G.U.Pope, Rev.W.H.Drew, Rev.John Lazarus and Mr.F.W.Ellis


7. The Essentials of a State

93 : Not Drinking Palm-Wine

Poem : 921

Who love the palm's intoxicating juice, each day,
No rev'rence they command, their glory fades away.

Explanation :
Those who always thirst after drink will neither inspire fear (in others) nor retain the light (of their fame).

Poem : 922

Drink not inebriating draught. Let him count well the cost.
Who drinks, by drinking, all good men's esteem is lost.

Explanation :
Let no liquor be drunk; if it is desired, let it be drunk by those who care not for esteem of the great.

Poem : 923

The drunkard's joy is sorrow to his mother's eyes;
What must it be in presence of the truly wise?

Explanation :
Intoxication is painful even in the presence of (one's) mother; what will it not then be in that of the wise ?

Poem : 924

Shame, goodly maid, will turn her back for aye on them
Who sin the drunkard's grievous sin, that all condemn.

Explanation :
The fair maid of modesty will turn her back on those who are guilty of the great and abominable crime of drunkenness.

Poem : 925

With gift of goods who self-oblivion buys,
Is ignorant of all that man should prize.

Explanation :
To give money and purchase unconsciousness is the result of one's ignorance of (one's own actions).

Poem : 926

Sleepers are as the dead, no otherwise they seem;
Who drink intoxicating draughts, they poison quaff, we deem.

Explanation :
They that sleep resemble the deed; (likewise) they that drink are no other than poison-eaters.

Poem : 927

Who turn aside to drink, and droop their heavy eye,
Shall be their townsmen's jest, when they the fault espy.

Explanation :
Those who always intoxicate themselves by a private (indulgence in) drink; will have their secrets detected and laughed at by their fellow-townsmen.

Poem : 928

No more in secret drink, and then deny thy hidden fraud;
What in thy mind lies hid shall soon be known abroad.

Explanation :
Let (the drunkard) give up saying "I have never drunk"; (for) the moment (he drinks) he will simply betray his former attempt to conceal.

Poem : 929

Like him who, lamp in hand, would seek one sunk beneath the wave.
Is he who strives to sober drunken man with reasonings grave.

Explanation :
Reasoning with a drunkard is like going under water with a torch in search of a drowned man.

Poem : 930

When one, in sober interval, a drunken man espies,
Does he not think, 'Such is my folly in my revelries'?

Explanation :
When (a drunkard) who is sober sees one who is not, it looks as if he remembered not the evil effects of his (own) drink.

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