குறள் மணிமாலை



Thirukkural of Thiruvalluvar, English Translation and Commentary by Rev.Dr.G.U.Pope, Rev.W.H.Drew, Rev.John Lazarus and Mr.F.W.Ellis


6. Ministers of State

69 : The Envoy

Poem : 681

Benevolence high birth, the courtesy kings love;
These qualities the envoy of a king approve.

Explanation :
The qualification of an ambassador are affection (for his relations) a fitting birth, and the possession of attributes pleasing to royalty.

Poem : 682

Love, knowledge, power of chosen words, three things,
Should he possess who speaks the words of kings.

Explanation :
Love (to his sovereign), knowledge (of his affairs), and a discriminating power of speech (before other sovereigns) are the three sine qua non qualifications of an ambassador.

Poem : 683

Mighty in lore amongst the learned must he be,
Midst jav'lin-bearing kings who speaks the words of victory.

Explanation :
To be powerful in politics among those who are learned (in ethics) is the character of him who speaks to lance-bearing kings on matters of triumph (to his own sovereign).

Poem : 684

Sense, goodly grace, and knowledge exquisite.
Who hath these three for envoy's task is fit.

Explanation :
He may go on a mission (to foreign rulers) who has combined in him all these three. viz., (natural) sense, an attractive bearing and well-tried learning.

Poem : 685

In terms concise, avoiding wrathful speech, who utters pleasant word,
An envoy he who gains advantage for his lord.

Explanation :
He is an ambassador who (in the presence of foreign rulers) speaks briefly, avoids harshness, talks so as to make them smile, and thus brings good (to his own sovereign).

Poem : 686

An envoy meet is he, well-learned, of fearless eye
Who speaks right home, prepared for each emergency.

Explanation :
He is an ambassador who having studied (politics) talks impressively, is not afraid of angry looks, and knows (to employ) the art suited to the time.

Poem : 687

He is the best who knows what's due, the time considered well,
The place selects, then ponders long ere he his errand tell.

Explanation :
He is chief (among ambassadors) who understands the proper decorum (before foreign princes), seeks the (proper) occasion, knows the (most suitable) place, and delivers his message after (due) consideration.

Poem : 688

Integrity, resources, soul determined, truthfulness.
Who rightly speaks his message must these marks possess.

Explanation :
The qualifications of him who faithfully delivers his (sovereign's) message are purity, the support (of foreign ministers), and boldness, with truthfulness in addition to the (aforesaid) three.

Poem : 689

His faltering lips must utter no unworthy thing,
Who stands, with steady eye, to speak the mandates of his king.

Explanation :
He alone is fit to communicate (his sovereign's) reply, who possesses the firmness not to utter even inadvertently what may reflect discredit (on the latter).

Poem : 690

Death to the faithful one his embassy may bring;
To envoy gains assured advantage for his king.

Explanation :
He is the ambassador who fearlessly seeks his sovereign's good though it should cost him his life (to deliver his message).

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