5. Royalty
61 : Unsluggishness
Poem : 601
Of household dignity the lustre beaming bright,
Flickers and dies when sluggish foulness dims its light.
Explanation :
By the darkness, of idleness, the indestructible lamp of family (rank) will be extinguished.
Poem : 602
Let indolence, the death of effort, die,
If you'd uphold your household's dignity.
Explanation :
Let those, who desire that their family may be illustrious, put away all idleness from their conduct.
Poem : 603
Who fosters indolence within his breast, the silly elf!
The house from which he springs shall perish ere himself.
Explanation :
The (lustre of the) family of the ignorant man, who acts under the influence of destructive laziness will perish, even before he is dead.
Poem : 604
His family decays, and faults unheeded thrive,
Who, sunk in sloth, for noble objects doth not strive.
Explanation :
Family (greatness) will be destroyed, and faults will increase, in those men who give way to laziness, and put forth no dignified exertions.
Poem : 605
Delay, oblivion, sloth, and sleep: these four
Are pleasure-boat to bear the doomed to ruin's shore.
Explanation :
Procrastination, forgetfulness, idleness, and sleep, these four things, form the vessel which is desired by those destined to destruction.
Poem : 606
Though lords of earth unearned possessions gain,
The slothful ones no yield of good obtain.
Explanation :
It is a rare thing for the idle, even when possessed of the riches of kings who ruled over the whole earth, to derive any great benefit from it.
Poem : 607
Who hug their sloth, nor noble works attempt,
Shall bear reproofs and words of just contempt.
Explanation :
Those who through idleness, and do not engage themselves in dignified exertion, will subject themselves to rebukes and reproaches.
Poem : 608
If sloth a dwelling find mid noble family,
Bondsmen to them that hate them shall they be.
Explanation :
If idleness take up its abode in a king of high birth, it will make him a slave of his enemies.
Poem : 609
Who changes slothful habits saves
Himself from all that household rule depraves.
Explanation :
When a man puts away idleness, the reproach which has come upon himself and his family will disappear.
Poem : 610
The king whose life from sluggishness is rid,
Shall rule o'er all by foot of mighty god bestrid.
Explanation :
The king who never gives way to idleness will obtain entire possession of (the whole earth) passed over by him who measured (the worlds) with His foot.