குறள் மணிமாலை



Thirukkural of Thiruvalluvar, English Translation and Commentary by Rev.Dr.G.U.Pope, Rev.W.H.Drew, Rev.John Lazarus and Mr.F.W.Ellis


9. The Pre-marital love

110 : Recognition of the Signs (of Mutual Love)

Poem : 1091

A double witchery have glances of her liquid eye;
One glance is glance that brings me pain; the other heals again.

Explanation :
There are two looks in the dyed eyes of this (fair one); one causes pain, and the other is the cure thereof.

Poem : 1092

The furtive glance, that gleams one instant bright,
Is more than half of love's supreme delight.

Explanation :
A single stolen glance of her eyes is more than half the pleasure (of sexual embrace).

Poem : 1093

She looked, and looking drooped her head;
On springing shoot of love 'tis water shed!

Explanation :
She has looked (at men) and stooped (her head); and that (sign) waters as it were (the corn of) our love.

Poem : 1094

I look on her; her eyes are on the ground the while;
I look away; she looks on me with timid smile.

Explanation :
When I look, she looks down; when I do not, she looks and smiles gently.

Poem : 1095

She seemed to see me not; but yet the maid
Her love, by smiling side-long glance, betrayed.

Explanation :
She not only avoids a direct look at me, but looks as it were with a half-closed eye and smiles.

Poem : 1096

Though with their lips affection they disown,
Yet, when they hate us not, 'tis quickly known.

Explanation :
Though they may speak harshly as if they were strangers, the words of the friendly are soon understood.

Poem : 1097

The slighting words that anger feign, while eyes their love reveal.
Are signs of those that love, but would their love conceal.

Explanation :
Little words that are harsh and looks that are hateful are (but) the expressions of lovers who wish to act like strangers.

Poem : 1098

I gaze, the tender maid relents the while;
And, oh the matchless grace of that soft smile!

Explanation :
When I look, the pitying maid looks in return and smiles gently; and that is a comforting sign for me.

Poem : 1099

The look indifferent, that would its love disguise,
Is only read aright by lovers' eyes.

Explanation :
Both the lovers are capable of looking at each other in an ordinary way, as if they were perfect strangers.

Poem : 1100

When eye to answering eye reveals the tale of love,
All words that lips can say must useless prove.

Explanation :
The words of the mouths are of no use whatever, when there is perfect agreement between the eyes (of lovers).

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